Monday, January 25, 2010

RTS with a twist!

Achron is a new breed of Real Time Stratigy games that introduces a concept never before seen in any RTS simulator, whether multiplayer or simgle player; time travel.

The whole concept behind this is amazing; the summary given on their main page best tells the story...
You can undo your mistakes, change your strategy after committing to it, preview the future, freeze time to perfectly coordinate attacks, and send entire fleets through time to when they are needed. However, all of your opponents will also be independently moving across time, attempting to rewrite history in their favor...
Needless to say, this will evoke hour-long "time battles" with each player going further back or forward in time to turn the tides of war. The whole concept and possibilities behind this are mind-boggling, and I eagerly anticipate it's release.

Check out some videos: